Belmont Business Report - RayFit

2/29/12: Paul Airasian interviews Ray Peleckas of RayFit personal training. Ray Peleckas of Watertown describes how he got started as a personal trainer.

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03/12/2012 - 1:53pm
Blip Channel: 
Belmont Media Center-Public Access

Democracy Now! 2012-03-12 Monday

Democracy Now! 2012-03-12 Monday

  • Headlines for March 12, 2012
  • Afghan Massacre: Peace Groups Call for U.S. Withdrawal After Army Sergeant Kills 16 Afghan Civilians
  • Kathy Kelly on Afghan Humanitarian Crisis, Civilian Casualties and Drone Warfare
  • Contamination Fears Linger for Japanese Children, Workers One Year After Fukushima Meltdown
  • Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen: Fukushima Meltdown Could Result in 1 Million Cases of Cancer
03/12/2012 - 8:00am
BMC's Time Capsule Video to be on Display at the Museum of Arts & Design this Summer
BMC would like to give a big THANK YOU to Viktoria Haase, Jeremy Meserve, Julie Land and Ian Scully for their volunteer work in the studio production of Diane Covert’s Photojournalism lecture. CANDIDATE DEBATES at BMC

Democracy Now! 2012-03-07 Wednesday

Democracy Now! 2012-03-07 Wednesday

  • Headlines for March 07, 2012
  • Romney Wins 6 "Super Tuesday" States, But GOP Faces Long Road to Choosing a Nominee
  • Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Progressive Mainstay in Congress, Loses Dem. Primary in Redrawn Ohio District
  • Vermont Voters Back Grassroots Campaign to Abolish Corporate Personhood
  • Rep. Donald Payne (1934 – 2012): Remembering New Jersey's First African-American Member of Congress
  • LulzSec Cyber Activists Arrested With Help of Hacking Group's Former Leader -- Is Assange Next?
03/07/2012 - 8:00am

Mitt Romney Press Conference - 3/6/12

3/6/12 -- GOP Presidental candidate Mitt Romney, voted in his hometown of Belmont, MA in the Massachusetts Primary. After voting he spoke with the press.

Embed Lookup: 
03/06/2012 - 8:19pm
Blip Channel: 
Belmont Media Center - Government Access TV


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