Board of Directors meet at 7pm
9 Lexington Street, Belmont, Mass.
Next meeting:
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
This will be a Hybrid Meeting
Join by Zoom HERE
The Board of Directors is the governing body of BMC: setting overall policy, updating our mission statement, strategic planning, monitoring the financial management & operations, providing support to executive director, and fundraising.
The board comprises 9 seats, each board member can serve 2 three-year terms. There are 3 member elected seats, 4 board elected seats, 1 seat appointed by the School Committee, & 1 seat appointed by the Board of Selectmen.
If you may be interested in serving on the board, we encourage you to contact a current board member or call BMC or send us an EMAIL.
For more information, please download a copy of the BY-LAWS.