The invention of Photoshop and other image altering tools has disrupted the field of photojournalism. Drawing upon a collection of altered and staged images, some amusing and some very serious, photographer Diane Covert will cover some of the ways images are manipulated to shape our thoughts and emotions. These images point to the problems created when large numbers of photographers chase small numbers of subjects, in a desperate search for that one image that will be splashed across newspapers, magazines and the internet.

2/21/12: Harnessing the Bioelectric Potential of Cells for Regeneration

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02/29/2012 - 3:06pm
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Belmont Media Center-Public Access
BMC is pleased to begin offering a new workshop, "Mastering the Broadcast Pix". This three-session workshop is for Directors, Technical Directors (switcher) and anyone who wants to learn the operation of the Broadcast Pix switcher in Studio A. Learn all aspects of the Broadcast Pix Switcher from...

Democracy Now! 2012-02-28 Tuesday

Democracy Now! 2012-02-28 Tuesday

  • Headlines for February 28, 2012
  • Report from Kabul: Deadly Protests over U.S. Koran Burning May Be Turning Point for U.S. Occupation
  • WikiLeaks: Leaked Emails Expose Inner Workings of Private Intelligence Firm Stratfor, a "Shadow CIA"
  • WikiLeaks: "Private Spies" Stratfor Helped Dow Chemical Monitor Bhopal Activists, The Yes Men
  • Senegal Faces Runoff Election After Youth-Led Protests Against Abdoulaye Wade's Bid for Third Term
02/28/2012 - 8:00am


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