Jeff Hansell's blog

Watch ace Belmont pitcher Cole Bartels dispatch the Lexington Minutemen here or catch the game on BMC Channels 8/28, Monday 5/2 @4:30pm. Hear the excellent play-calling by Coach Q and commentary by Bob Goodwin.
John Ebel, Ph.D. , Professor and Department Chair, Dept of Geology and Geophysics, Boston College. Professor Ebel is an expert on seismology and is noted for his research on the faultline at the edge of the continental shelf off the northeastern Atlantic as well as other areas. In this discussion,...
Find out what the Belmont Story Project is all about, and see how you can participate and become a podcast producer and contribute your skills to the Belmont Story Project to up and coming Belmont Podcast Network. To listen to the the first two interivews, click on the icon below >
Event Date: 
Thu, 03/31/2016 - 11:00am to 1:00pm
Come check it out > Click HERE
Event Date: 
Thu, 03/31/2016 - 11:00am to 12:30pm
Belmont Goes Solar Watch this new presentation produced by Sustainable Belmont/Belmont Goes Solar on how Belmont residents can participate and find out about the potential of installation of solar panels to save energy. For more info, go to:
Becca Pizzi , Belmont resident, single mother, and one awesome athlete will visit BMC on Friday, January 15th at 10am to record a TV interview with Suzy Spivey for "Daring to Dream" and which will also run as a special video segment of "What's Going On?". The public is invited to come down and...
Dear friends, If you did not know about it already, the “Gifts of Hope/Food Pantry Telethon” will take place Saturday Dec. 12th, from 12pm to 5pm at Belmont Media Center - LIVE on all Belmont local cable TV channels, and on the web: We ‘ll be featuring some great local...
The Town of Belmont is in the process of negotiating a new franchise agreement with Verizon to permit the company to sell and deliver FiOS Cable TV service to Belmont residents. You can help the Board of Selectmen ascertain community needs by completing the survey online HERE. Your responses will...
The Town of Belmont will be holding a public ascertainment hearing on Monday, November 9th at 7:30pm at Town Hall in the Board of Selectmen Meeting Room on 455 Concord Ave.
Former BHS LABBB Student, Andrew Feldman to Speak at 10th Anniversary Dinner on October 29th. Ten years ago, at the suggestion of a knowing teacher, a struggling student in the LABBB program, who happened to be taking classes across the hall from our studio in Belmont High, walked though the door...


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