Jeff Hansell's blog

STORM INFO for Friday, January 5th . . . All Belmont Public Schools will be CLOSED on Friday . . . All Town of Belmont Offices will be OPEN at 10am on Friday . . . Snow Emergency Parking Ban is in effect until 6am on Friday morning . . . Trash and Recycling will be picked up as scheduled Friday...
Check out the Book Fair this holiday at Chenery Middle School.
Belmont's State Senator Will Brownsberger marched in the counter protest to Boston Common last Saturday August 20th . . . "By a ratio of about 1000 to 1, those who converged on the Boston Common on Saturday brought a non-violent American message of liberty and equality. Signs condemning racism and...
Last Friday the Belmont Media Center lost one of our own. Longtime volunteer, teacher, mentor, valued staff member, and friend to all, EJ Johnson passed away after fighting a pretty darned good fight for several years against a disease that increasingly crippled his body but that could not subdue...
The Board of Selectmen have scheduled an Emergency Meeting to be held at 2:30pm today - June 13th in the BOS Meeting Room located on the first floor of the Town Hall. Emergency Meeting Agenda HERE BMC will carry the meeting...
Belmont Savings Bank will again be the proud sponsor of Belmont Town Day, to be held on Saturday, May 20 from 9am-4pm in Belmont Center. Town Day is a community wide event that features a number of Belmont Savings sponsored activities, including a car show, cash cube, face painting, pony rides, and...
Event Date: 
Sat, 05/20/2017 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Tune in at 7:30pm on March 15th for LIVE TV coverage of the Belmont Board of Selectmen Debate between candidates Guy Carbone & Adam Dash. Watch in on Channel 8 on COMCAST or Channel 28 on VERIZON or on the web > HERE
Senator Edward J. Markey recently held a Town Hall in Northampton. Watch it here. Video by Northampton Community Television
Sorry folks, we were still testing our livestream, but this test did not work out and we were unable to bring the BHS Boys vs Chelsea basketball game LIVE, due to human error by yours truly. We apologize to anyone who was looking to view the live feed of the game. Despite the glitch, we will be...
Be Counted… Please Return Your 2017 Town Census & License Your Dogs and Cats Every household in Belmont has been mailed a census form to confirm who lives at each address. In addition, the data returns from the census help to make accurate voting lists; voters who do not return the census by...


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