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Watch the America Hometown Thanksgiving Parade on channels 96 (Comcast) and 30 (Verizon) at 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm, 7:00pm, 9:00pm and 11:00pm.
WSJ columnist and Belmont native Jason Gay's first book Little Victories has just been published and he read an excerpt of it to a packed audience at the Belmont Public Library last week. Watch his memorable (and often hilarious) appearance here:
A new episode of Middlesex Update with District Attorney Marian Ryan is now available: The topic is Opioid Abuse. Marian asks important questions and an insightful discussion with guests Dr. Brian O’Connor of Middlesex Recovery, North Reading Police Department Chief Michael...
The re-dedication of Belmont's beautifully restored WWI Memorial took place on a rainy Veteran's Day. Watch the ceremony here:
Dear friends, If you did not know about it already, the “Gifts of Hope/Food Pantry Telethon” will take place Saturday Dec. 12th, from 12pm to 5pm at Belmont Media Center - LIVE on all Belmont local cable TV channels, and on the web: We ‘ll be featuring some great local...
BEECH STREET CENTER PRESENTATION - We are looking for a volunteer camera operator to record a Beech Street Center presentation on Vitamin D. Megan Ostrander, Springwell’s registered dietitian, will discuss why Vitamin D is important and how to prevent deficiency. This event will take place this...
BHS varsity field hockey Marauders defeated Central Catholic yesterday in the 1st Round of the MIAA Tournament. Watch the nail-biting match here OnDemand: 1st Half: 2nd Half: Also on Channels 8/28: Sat @ 8:30pm, Sun @ 3PM​ Channels 9/29: Sun @ 7pm, Mon @...
The Town of Belmont is in the process of negotiating a new franchise agreement with Verizon to permit the company to sell and deliver FiOS Cable TV service to Belmont residents. You can help the Board of Selectmen ascertain community needs by completing the survey online HERE. Your responses will...
BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL FIELD HOCKEY The BHS varsity field hockey girls won their division and take on the Central Catholic Raiders this Thursday, November 5th on Harris Field at 2:30pm. BMC needs camera operators and sports commentators to cover the game with our mobile production van. Call Jeremy at...
The Town of Belmont will be holding a public ascertainment hearing on Monday, November 9th at 7:30pm at Town Hall in the Board of Selectmen Meeting Room on 455 Concord Ave.