Democracy Now! 2015-10-14 Wednesday

Democracy Now! 2015-10-14 Wednesday

  • Headlines for October 14, 2015
  • Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders Take Center Stage at First Democratic Debate of 2016 Race
  • O'Malley's Baltimore Policing Record Criticized as Candidates Address Whether #BlackLivesMatter
  • Hillary Clinton & Martin O’Malley Spar over Immigration Reform
  • Has Bernie Sanders Been Tough Enough on Guns? Hillary Clinton Says No
  • Sanders Calls Iraq Worst Foreign Policy Blunder in U.S. History as Clinton Backs Militaristic Views
  • Is Snowden a Hero or Traitor? Democrats Debate Whether NSA Whistleblower Should Face Jail Term
  • In Defense of Democratic Socialism, Bernie Sanders Attacks "Casino Capitalism"

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