Democracy Now! 2013-01-21 Monday

Democracy Now! 2013-01-21 Monday

  • Headlines for January 21, 2013
  • NAACP's Ben Jealous at Obama Inauguration: "Never Elect Someone to Make Change Happen For You"
  • Angela Davis: Now That Obama Has a Second Term, No More "Subordination to Presidential Agendas"
  • Fmr. NAACP Leader Ben Chavis Attends Obama Inauguration After Historic Pardon in Wilmington Ten Case
  • Poet & Activist Sonia Sanchez at Peace Ball: "Morning Song and Evening Walk for Martin Luther King"
  • CODEPINK's Medea Benjamin Brings Voices of Pakistani Drone Victims to Obama's Inauguration
  • The Big Money Inauguration: Obama Kicks Off Second Term with Help of Unlimited Corporate Donations
  • Civil Rights Leader Julian Bond: Obama Won with a New Electorate: "The Coalition of the Concerned"
  • Dr. Martin Luther King in 1967: "We as a Nation Must Undergo a Radical Revolution of Values"

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