Explore the world of Virtual Art! Tilt Brush is a VR application that allows you to paint in a 3D space. BMC will be bringing our HTC Vive setup to the library for you to experience. Let your creativity flow with colors, animated shapes and lines, and so much more! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Every year around this time, in hundreds of towns across the U.S., we celebrate “Community Media Day” and Free Speech Week to raise public awareness about how micro-local community TV stations like Belmont Media Center (BMC) serve the communications needs of millions of Americans every day. Nearly...
Join us LIVE on Thursday, Sept. 26th - 8pm to 9pm from Studio A in Waverley Square for a special call-in TV program: Issues & Answers: Reducing Gun Violence in America. Tune in on Ch. 9 Comcast, Ch. 29 Verizon or on our website HERE or watch it on Facebook LIVE or our Youtube Channel . The...
Event Date: 
Thu, 09/26/2019 - 8:00pm
Taking a class at BMC is the best way for you to get started creating content. Check out our fall class highlights, and visit our CLASSES page for even more offerings. DIGITAL STORYTELLING : Learn how to use Google Photos to store and upload photos and videos from your phone. From there, learn how...
Listen in the latest podcast of "What's Going On?" with Jan Knight as she talks with Melissa Shirtcliff of the Alzheimer's Association about the upcoming Greater Boston Walk to End Alzheimer's on Sept. 22nd and with Stewart Karger of Belmont Manor about Belmont's team.
At this moment, the Federal Communications Commission is proposing a “rule change”, (Docket 05-311) that if adopted, will let companies like Comcast, Verizon, AT&T and others to squeeze more profits from subscribers, while delivering fewer services, and consequentially, will wipe out funding...

Belmont Journal

Features long-form interviews with government & community leaders. Watch it on BMC Public TV Channel
Comcast Ch 9 & Verizon Ch 29
Mondays at 9pm
Tuesdays at 10pm
Thursdays at 9pm
Fridays at 10pm


Have you ever wanted to be part of a major motion picture? In this week long class, students will recreate randomly assigned scenes from a major motion picture. The final scenes will be submitted to Crowdsourced Boston, where they will be stitched together with other recreated scenes to create an entirely fan-made version of the film! Whether you'd like to be in front of the camera or behind the scenes, you can participate in this project. 

Movie is TBA!
Session 2: August 5 - August 9

Monday, August 5, 2019
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM


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