Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations

Biodiversity in the Sixth Mass Extinction. The sixth mass extinction currently underway is due to a combination of climate change and destruction of natural habitats. Both crises are the result of our energy, industrial, and food production systems that have upended Nature. Biologist Michael Reed explains how the vitality of our planet depends on the health of ecosystems. Using migratory birds as an example, he describes the interdependence of different forms of life: birds, animals, fish, insects, plants and terrain. Dr.

Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations

How Effective Are Vitamin D Supplements? Vitamin D is important for bone and muscle strength, but the belief that it significantly reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and numerous other conditions is questionable. Although Vitamin D supplements are still widely used, well designed studies have established that the supplements are not needed by most people because we need only small-to-moderate amounts of vitamin D. Sunshine and dietary intake provide adequate vitamin D for most people. Dr.

Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations

The Mystery of Animal Migration - Charles Walcott has been a leader in the research on migratory creatures, especially birds. He explains in this program what scientists presently know, and how scientists investigate the sensory maps of migratory creatures. For example, pigeons use both the sun and the Earth’s magnetic field as a compass to navigate long distances. But how pigeons know the direction toward home is still uncertain; 00:25:45


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