Time Out for Sports Talk - 1/9/12 -- Pats Playoff Preview Special

1/9/12 -- Time Out for Sports Talk. Patriots Playoff Preview Special. Todd and Howie talk with "Patriots Weekly" writer Paul Perillo about the Patriots/Broncos playoff game.

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01/10/2012 - 12:28pm
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Belmont Media Center-Public Access

Democracy Now! 2012-01-10 Tuesday

Democracy Now! 2012-01-10 Tuesday

  • Headlines for January 10, 2012
  • Guantánamo Detainees Launch Hunger Strike to Protest Prison's 10th Anniversary
  • Guantánamo Exclusive: Former Chief Prosecutor, Ex-Prisoner Call on Obama to Close Prison
  • NDAA: Obama Signs Law Restricting Transfer of Guantánamo Prisoners and Expands Indefinite Detention
  • Laid-Off Steelworker: Mitt Romney and Bain Capital Profited by Shutting Down Kansas Steel Plant
01/10/2012 - 8:00am

Democracy Now! 2012-01-09 Monday

Democracy Now! 2012-01-09 Monday

  • Headlines for January 09, 2012
  • Drones, Asia and Cyber War: Pentagon Shifts Priorities in New Review; Budget Still Exceeds Bush Era
  • Death of Private Danny Chen: Military Admits Chen was Target of Race-Based Hazing on Daily Basis
  • As Arizona Remembers Tucson Shooting, Virginia Tech Massacre Survivor Calls for New Gun Control

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01/09/2012 - 8:00am
John Maguranis, Belmont's Animal Control officer and statewide coyote expert, will be presenting "Living with Coyotes," a talk on cohabiting with coyotes. John is also a gifted wildlife photographer and will share his great wildlife pictures and stories of coyotes & other wildlife from right...


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