Democracy Now! 2012-08-09 Thursday

Democracy Now! 2012-08-09 Thursday

  • Headlines for August 09, 2012
  • Academic Who Knew Sikh Shooter Wade Michael Page Says Neo-Nazi Soldiers, Musicians Shaped His Hatred
  • Author: Sikh Temple Massacre is the Outgrowth of Pervasive White Supremacism in U.S. Military Ranks
  • Former DHS Analyst Daryl Johnson on How He Was Silenced for Warning of Far-Right Militants in U.S.

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08/09/2012 - 8:00am
On Monday, August 27 th Belmont Media Center (BMC) will cablecast live programming on Comcast channels 8 and 9, and on Verizon channels 28 and 29. Starting at 7pm, Comcast & Verzon cable subscribers can tune to BMC 8 or 28 and watch live covergae from Chenery Middle School of Candidates’ Night...

The Art Show - episode 2: Kimberly Becker

Mini-documentary about a Belmont painter and textile artist who is converting her daily paintings into cross stitch patterns and kits for sale to crafters.

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08/08/2012 - 1:41pm
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Belmont Media Center-Public Access
Tune in tonight at 6:00 p.m. on channels 96 (Comcast) and 30 (Verizon) for a memorial of George Stoney, the father of public access television, who had passed recently.

Democracy Now! 2012-08-06 Monday

Democracy Now! 2012-08-06 Monday

  • Headlines for August 06, 2012
  • Fear and Outrage in Wisconsin After 6 Killed at Sikh Temple; Gunman ID'd as White Supremacist Vet
  • Sikh Temple Shooting Stokes Fears in Community With Deep Roots in Wisconsin and Across U.S.
  • Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting Latest Tragedy to Befall Community in Wave of Post-9/11 Attacks
  • Virginia Tech Survivor Colin Goddard: To Prevent Next Tragedy, Gun Control Must Follow Mourning

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08/06/2012 - 8:00am


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