Democracy Now! 2015-12-07 Monday

Democracy Now! 2015-12-07 Monday

  • Headlines for December 07, 2015
  • "We Do Not Want to Die in Silence": Indigenous People Demand Rights as Draft Climate Deal Reached
  • Activists Dragged Out of Climate Expo for Protesting Corporate Influence over COP21 Negotiations
  • Airstrikes Against Syria are a Trap, Warns Former ISIS Hostage Nicolas Hénin
  • Former ISIS Hostage Nicolas Hénin: Welcoming Refugees is the Best Strategy Against ISIS

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12/07/2015 - 8:00am

Democracy Now! 2015-12-04 Friday

Democracy Now! 2015-12-04 Friday

  • Headlines for December 04, 2015
  • We Do Not Want to Be An Accomplice: Nicaragua Rejects Global Consensus On Voluntary Emission Cuts
  • U.S. Accused of Shifting Responsibility of Climate Crisis Despite Role as Largest Historic Polluter
  • Will Nicaragua Build Massive Canal Despite Environmental Opposition?
  • Climate Scientist James Hansen Warns World is on Wrong Track to Prevent Runaway Global Warming
  • African Women, Hit Hardest by Climate Change, Forge New Solutions Across the Continent
12/04/2015 - 8:00am

Democracy Now! 2015-12-03 Thursday

Democracy Now! 2015-12-03 Thursday

  • Headlines for December 03, 2015
  • UK Begins Bombing Syria After Pro-War Vote; Cameron Accuses Corbyn of Being “Terrorist Sympathizer”
  • "A Blemish on British Political History": Anti-War Activist Decries UK Vote to Bomb Syria
  • Climate Change and Inequality Are Driving War and Catastrophic Conflicts from Syria to Africa
  • President of California Senate Calls for Gun Control After 14 Killed in San Bernardino Massacre
12/03/2015 - 8:00am
There are still plenty of volunteer camera operator positions that need to be filled for the 2015 Gifts of Hope Telethon. This annual event is a live five-hour program presented by the Belmont Media Center and Belmont Citizen-Herald to raise monetary and food donations for the Belmont Food Pantry...

Democracy Now! 2015-12-02 Wednesday

Democracy Now! 2015-12-02 Wednesday

  • Headlines for December 02, 2015
  • Is Oil & Gas the New Tobacco? Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement Reaches New Milestone
  • As U.S. Congress Lags, California Leads Push to Divest From Fossil Fuels Linked to Climate Change
  • India's "The Hindu" Newspaper Stops Printing for the First Time in 137 Years Due to Massive Floods
  • As NY State Probes Exxon, Oil Giant Targets the Journalists Who Exposed Climate Change Cover-Up
12/02/2015 - 8:00am
Belmont Historical Society presents Barbara F. Berenson now OnDemand: Berenson speaks about the topics in her new book: Boston's leading abolitionists and historic events here that shaped the conflict that became our Civil War.

Democracy Now! 2015-12-01 Tuesday

Democracy Now! 2015-12-01 Tuesday

  • Headlines for December 01, 2015
  • Pope Francis to World Leaders at U.N. Climate Summit: "We Are at the Limits of Suicide"
  • "The Fossil Fuel Era Must Draw to a Close": A Message from the Marshall Islands to the World
  • "The Paris Agreement Will See the Planet Burn": Former Bolivian Climate Negotiator Pablo Solón
  • Philippines’ Former Climate Negotiator Yeb Saño’s 900 Mile Pilgrimage to Paris Summit Ends with Fast
12/01/2015 - 8:00am

Democracy Now! 2015-11-30 Monday

Democracy Now! 2015-11-30 Monday

  • Headlines for November 30, 2015
  • Global Protests Demand Climate Justice as World Leaders Open Pivotal Paris Summit
  • Thousands Defy Paris State of Emergency, Protest Ban to Sound the Alarm on Global Climate Crisis
  • "I Am Paris, I am Bamako, We Are Humanity": Memorial at Bataclan Theatre Honors Attack Victims
  • Indigenous Climate Activists: Paris "Police State" is the Reality Frontline Communities Live With
  • French Farmer-Activist José Bové on Paris Protest Ban: "We Are in Prison in Our Own Home"
11/30/2015 - 8:00am

Science for the Public Lecture Series: What’s Up at the 2015 Large Hadron Collider

Episode ID: 

In this presentation Dr. Bose explains how the collider works and what the collisions produce. The 2010-2012 run brought confirmation of the long-sought Higgs boson. This time, with nearly double the collision energy (13 TeV) scientists anticipate some entirely new discoveries.

Episode Program ID: 
Science for the Public Lecture Series
Episode Date: 
What’s Up at the 2015 Large Hadron Collider
Cloudcast Playlist: 
Public Science Lectures


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