Democracy Now! 2015-12-21 Monday

Democracy Now! 2015-12-21 Monday

  • Headlines for December 21, 2015
  • As Sanders Chides Clinton on Regime Change, Is Democratic Front-Runner Touting a GOP Foreign Policy?
  • Bernie Blackout? As DNC Accused of Targeting Sanders, Corporate Media Ignores Historic Campaign
  • Bernie Sanders on Challenging Wall Street: "CEOs May Like Hillary -- They Ain't Going to Like Me"
  • Is the DNC Afraid of Democracy? Clinton WH Counselor Says Party a "Dead Carcass" for Stifling Debate
12/21/2015 - 8:00am

Focus on Health: 12-10-15

Episode ID: 

A panel discussion exploring the issues related to the opioid epidemic, including how this epidemic came about, how to talk to teens about this issue, and treatment options.

Episode Program ID: 
Focus on Health
Episode Date: 
Cloudcast Playlist: 
Focus on Health
No worries If you missed coverage of the annual Gifts of Hope Belmont Food Pantry Telethon with all of our marvelous musical guests because we've got them all here OnDemand: Includes piano students of Ani Hovsepian, violinist Haig Hovsepian, BHS Freshman String Quartet, Mike...
Belmont Citizen Herald Reports now OnDemand: Editor Joanna Tzouvelis speaks with Belmont homeowners Katherine and Murat Bicer about their experience with PBS featuring their home in a This Old House restoration/alteration project. Includes a guided tour through the house with...

Pt. 2: Black Women at the Intersection: Holtzclaw Case Links #BlackLivesMatter & Anti-Rape Struggles

In Part 2 of our conversation about the Daniel Holtzclaw verdict, UCLA and Columbia University law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw talks about the lack of attention on sexual abuse by police officers. Holtzclaw, an Oklahoma City police officer, was accused of serial rape against African-American women. He was convicted by an all-white jury last week of rape and other charges against eight of the 13 women who accused him.

12/16/2015 - 11:15am

Democracy Now! 2015-12-16 Wednesday

Democracy Now! 2015-12-16 Wednesday

  • Headlines for December 16, 2015
  • Juan González: GOP to Puerto Rico - "Drop Dead"
  • GOP Debate: Trump Defends Muslim Ban, Other Candidates Debate How to Restrict Rights & Go to War
  • Democracy Is Being Dismantled Before Our Eyes: Bob Herbert on Sheldon Adelson-Backed GOP Debate
  • Hugh Hewitt Questions Ben Carson If He Was Ruthless Enough to Kill Thousands of Innocent Kids in War
  • Trump Calls for Closing Parts of Internet as Cruz & Rubio Debate NSA Powers
12/16/2015 - 8:00am


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