Volunteers Needed for Beech Street Center Presentations

Belmont Media Center is looking for Volunteer Camera Operators to cover presentations held at the Beech Street Center. One camera operator per presentation is needed for the following:
“FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION” – Legal expert Sarah Peterson of Zalkin Law Firm will share tips on what to look for in spotting financial exploitation and what legal remedies are available to seniors and adults with disabilities who are at risk. Date and time: Friday, January 27th at 1:15 PM.
“BEFORE YOU GO, YOU SHOULD KNOW” - A panel discussion by The Funeral Consumers Alliance of Eastern Massachusetts, a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to educating the public about their funeral rights and choices. Topics discussed will include green burial, taking care of your loved one at home, and crafting a meaningful memorial. Date and time: Tuesday, February 7th at 1:15 PM.
“PRESCRIPTION ADVANTAGE” - Kathy Devine from the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs will talk about Prescription Advantage, a pharmacy assistance program that lowers patient’s out-of-pocket costs for prescription medications. Date and Time: Friday, February 10th at 1:15 PM.
All presentations will take place at 266 Beech Street in Belmont. If interested in volunteering for any of these productions, please sign up by calling 617-484-2443 or email julie@belmontmedia.org Please let us know which presentation you would be interested in working. Volunteers must arrive an hour early for equipment setup. A staff person may provide assistance and training if needed. This is a great opportunity to get experience in field production!