Belmont Police Log, July 18-July 24: Cat hit with BB gun, cars broken into, woman falls from tree root in sidewalk, vandalism at Town Field playground and more

The following are excerpts from the Belmont Police log as made available by the Belmont Police Department. The log is public and available for review. All persons are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. 

Thursday, July 18

4:06 p.m.: A Fairview Avenue resident reported their cat was hit with a BB gun. At 10:57 a.m. on July 11, she was in the backyard with her cat. The cat left the yard for 10 minutes and returned crying. She noticed a wet spot on the cat’s forehead and realized it was blood. She observed a sliver BB lodged in her cat’s forehead above his right eye. She immediately reached out to Angel Memorial Hospital in Waltham. They were able to remove the BB. The MSPCA detective was notified of the incident by the hospital. She had a GPS tracking device on her cat’s collar and was able to provide officers a map of her cat’s activity prior to the injury.

6:13 p.m.: Collision in area of Belmont Street and Stults Road between a 2011 Toyota operated by a Waltham man and a 2011 Audi operated by a Belmont man. Airbags deployed but there were no injuries. Belmont Fire and Rescue also responded. The Audi was struck from behind by the Toyota. The operator of the Toyota admitted he wasn’t paying attention and was going too fast. There was heavy front-end damage to the Toyota and heavy rear damage to the Audi. The Toyota was towed from the scene and the Audi was driven from the scene.

6:15 p.m.: Damage to 2019 Ford owned by a Watertown woman in area of Belmont Street and Payson Road. The woman parked her vehicle and took the bus to work. When she returned, she noticed her rear window was smashed and the area above the back seats was crushed. Officers were unable to locate anything inside the vehicle or in the surrounding area. Nothing appeared to be missing.

7:35 p.m.: Stolen bicycle reported by a Hawthorne Street resident. Her son stayed overnight at a friend’s house on Weber Road and left his bicycle near the front door, 10 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. When he went outside, he could not find his bicycle. It was a red, Fuji Nevada, valued at $200.

Friday, July 19

8:40 a.m.: A Beech Street resident reported an attempted break-in. The owner brought them to the rear of the property and showed them broken glass to a common back door located on the first floor. It appeared the door may have been punched with a hand because there was a trail of blood leading down the external chairs, down the driveway and to the sidewalk in front of the property. There was no damage or blood the night before. Detectives processed the scene.

12:12 p.m.: Vandalism reported at Town Field Playground. There was graffiti on the steering wheel and front hood of the fire truck play structure. It was vulgar in nature. The highway department responded to clean up the vandalism. More graffiti was observed on two other structures.

5:18 p.m.: A Watertown resident reported suspicious activity. She believes someone has been hanging out on her late father’s property. He passed away in November and she oversees his estate. She is cleaning out the house and working with a realtor. On July 9, she noticed her father’s favorite chair on the porch was moved in front of the brick steps. She returned it to its original location but when she returned July 12, the chair was moved again to the same stop. A lunch bag and pair of sunglasses were on the porch next to the chair. She has now moved the chair to the basement.

9:40 p.m.: A Palfrey Road resident reported fraud. She said her Facebook account was hacked and when she attempted to change her password she was instructed to call a number. The call connection sounded pour. She was instructed to call 402-546-9987 for further assistance. She spoke to someone named John. She spoke to the person for six hours. He informed her she had 43 hackers in her account and he needed all her information to clear them out. She gave her name, social security number, address, credit and debit card numbers, license plate and make and model of her car. He called her back again and they spoke approximately six hours. He said he cleared 30 out of the 43 hackers out of the account and instructed her to purchase Target gift cards to clear out the other hackers. She declined to purchase the cards. He called her again on July 19 and instructed her to get the cards. She declined again. He then told her not to tell anyone about the hack. She then realized something was wrong and decided to call the police. She was advised to contact her banks. She has been charged a total of $100 on various websites by the hackers. She was also advised to file a report online with the Federal Trade Commission.

Saturday, July 20

9:08 a.m.: A resident fell in the area of Common Street at Horace Road. She informed officers she tripped over a raised part of the sidewalk that was four to five inches high. She was bleeding from the side of her forehead and jaw. She was transported to Mount Auburn Hospital by Belmont Fire and Rescue.

11:51 a.m.: A stolen bicycle reported at Acorn Park Drive. The bicycle was left in the main entry of building 3,000 on July 11. The following day it was gone. It was a black and gray Nishiki purchased May 26 for $239. The property manager said they need to file a police report before he can release the video surveillance footage.

Sunday, July 21

6:08 p.m.: A Dunbarton Road resident reported damage to their property. On July 19 at 12:54 p.m. a commercial vehicle towing a trailer used her driveway to turn around, causing damage. It was recently paved and seal-coated. She provided photos of the damage and had the license plate of the vehicle. Officers contacted the manager of the business who said he would reach out to the homeowner as soon as possible to repair the damage.

Monday, July 22

6:05 p.m.: Agassiz Avenue reported vandalism to a mailbox. There was pink tagging on the green postal mailbox at the corner of Agassiz Street and Agassiz Avenue. It was done some time between 5 p.m. on July 21 and 5 p.m. on July 22.

Tuesday, July 23

2:24 p.m.: A Brettwood Road resident reported fraud. He received an email form Experion informing him someone attempted to open a Discover and Wells Fargo credit card using his identification. The two attempts occurred on July 21. He confirmed they used his social security number but both attempts were unsuccessful. He notified his banks of the incidents.

Wednesday, July 24

9:45 a.m.: A Pleasant Street resident reported two motor vehicles broken into, a 2018 Alpha Romeo and a 2018 Audi. The vehicles were parked in the driveway, unlocked. Both vehicles were rummaged through. Nothing was taken from either vehicle.

10:12 a.m.: A Waverley Street resident reported 2018 Infiniti broken into. At 6 a.m. she found her center console opened and contents laying on passenger seat. She is missing two wallets and $60. She also noticed that one of her deactivated credit cards was missing. She called her credit card company and discovered there was an attempt to use it at an unknown Chipotle. The vehicle was unlocked.


Between July 17 and July 23, Belmont Police responded to three domestic violence calls, including a criminal complaint for violation of a restraining order, and four mental health calls.