Belmont Police Log, Jan. 31-Feb. 7, 2024: Many reports of check washing, hit and runs, identity theft

The following are excerpts from the Belmont Police log as made available by the Belmont Police Department. The log is public and available for review. All persons are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law.
Public Safey Alert: Residents are advised to bring checks inside the post office while it is open and give to a postal worker to mail.
Wednesday, Jan. 31
8:54 a.m.: A Watson Road resident reported a past break-in of a motor vehicle, which was unlocked in the driveway. A negative pressure wound device was stolen out of the vehicle, valued at more than $10,000.
9:59 a.m.: A Trapelo Road resident reported he was alerted by his bank that a check was washed. A check was mailed in the mailbox in Waverley Square or George St. in Watertown. The amount was changed from $379 to $17,900.
3:33 p.m.: A Belmont resident reported check washed. It was mailed inside a mailbox on School Street in Watertown. It was made out for $600 but it was altered to $8,232. She learned of the fraud when she received a call from the party who the check was mailed to, alerting her it was not received.
4:54 p.m.: An Upland Road resident reported a bank account was fraudulently opened in her name. The bank alerted her about the fraud and immediately shut it down.
Thursday, Feb. 1
1:15 p.m.: A hit and run on Pleasant Street. The driver’s door of a parked 2012 Nissan, owned by a Bedford Resident, was damaged. Security camera footage revealed the other vehicle involved was a 2021 Chevrolet pick-up truck. They were completely unaware they backed into the car and caused the damage.
7:14 p.m.: A Thayer Street resident reported they were contacted by their bank that someone with a driver’s license that appeared accurate and a fake passport in their name, went to three Metro Credit Union banks attempting to withdraw money in their name. At the third bank, they were able to withdraw $15,000. The bank refunded the money to the account.
9:42 p.m.: Hit and run reported on Lexington Street at the Armenian church. A Lexington resident reported that the driver’s side mirror of her parked 2014 Honda’s was cracked and bent outward.
Friday, Feb. 2
4:05 p.m.: Hit and run reported at Wellington Elementary School. A Framingham resident’s parked 2015 Lexus had damage to the rear driver’s side door. It appears her vehicle was side-swiped.
Saturday, Feb. 3
11:20 a.m.: An Albert Avenue resident reported check washing. A check wasn’t received by the person it was mailed to. The bank informed him the check was cashed for $8,700. The check was mailed inside a Belmont mailbox or a mailbox in Boston. It was made out for $500.
11:44 a.m.: A Beech Street resident reported check washing. A check mailed inside the mailbox in front of Waverley Post Office was made out for $500, and changed to $15,000 and cashed. She is working with the bank to recover the funds.
6:58 p.m.: A Sharpe Road resident reported check washing. They were looking at their bank accounts and noticed check made out for $5,000 was altered to $14,000. The check was mailed inside a mailbox on Main Street in Watertown.
Sunday, Feb. 4
9:30 a.m.: A Sherman Street resident reported she went on a walk at Rock Meadow. Her rented 2024 Toyota had its passenger side window smashed. The purse she tucked under the front seat was missing. Several personal items and $10 cash were inside the purse.
4 p.m.: A Belmont resident reported they found damage on their 2012 Toyota parked in front of their home. The rear bumper was scratched and damaged.
Monday, Feb. 5
3:09 a.m.: An officer observed a suspicious vehicle in front of the Waverley post office. He observed someone bent over in front of the mailbox, attempting to gain entry using a key. When the officer identified himself and turned on his blue lights, the person ran inside his black BMW and began to flee the area. Officers attempted to follow the vehicle and terminated the pursuit because the vehicle would not stop. The plates on the vehicle were dealer plates, which were determined to be stolen. The same vehicle has been observed in other towns doing the same activity, but has not been caught.
2:35 p.m.: A Cross Street resident reported someone in New Jersey attempting to cash a check they received, which they learned was falsely produced. Someone posing as this person went inside a New Jersey M and T Bank and attempted to cash the check. The bank declined to cash the check because they could see it was fake.
6:52 p.m.: A Pearson Road resident reported hearing a loud bang inside their home. They discovered the bottom panel of the storm door on the back of the home was smashed out of place. They were unable to determine if it was kicked or if a ball hit it and caused the damage.
Tuesday, Feb. 6
12:17 p.m.: A Fitzmaurice Circle resident reported $50,000 was withdrawn out of a bank account she did not authorize. She contacted her other banks and nothing else suspicious occurred. She was contacted by someone saying they were from Paypal who knew her account number. She did not provide information to them but believes it is connected to the withdrawal. She has since contacted Paypal and they had no record of someone calling.
12:32 p.m.: A Watertown resident was stopped for driving a 2004 Chrysler with no insurance. The vehicle was towed and the operator was issued a citation for operating without insurance.
5:54 p.m.: A Sunnyside Place resident reported suspicious activity. A former tutor of her daughter began to send strange messages making threats against the family, claiming to be Al-Qaeda and requesting money. The tutor cancelled the online math class one hour before it began, which is when the messages began.
Wednesday, Feb. 7
7:52 a.m.: Collision on Trapelo Road between a Belmont resident operating a 2023 Toyota who rear-ended a Watertown resident driving a 2022 Volkswagen. The operator of the Toyota said they were blinded by sun glare. The Toyota was towed.
8:17 a.m.: A Watertown resident operating a 2017 Ford reported the vehicle’s hood was damaged by a tree branch that was knocked off by a utility crew working on Mill Street.
9:21 a.m.: A Maple Street resident reported someone attempted to open a Mastercard in his name, but it was declined. He was a victim of a security breach from Harvard Pilgrim last year and is working with the protection service company they provided him with to resolve the issue. He is not out any money at this point.
A Belmont man, 29, operating a 2017 Nissan crashed into a 2024 Chevrolet parked on Dalton Road on Feb. 3 at 6:22 p.m.He was arrested and charged with operating under the influence of alcohol and resisting arrest.