Update from Belmont Media Center

Dear Friends,
The staff and board of Belmont Media Center want to thank the leadership of the Town of Belmont, Board of Health, Emergency Management Agency, and School Department for their attention to the evolving situation regarding the COVID-19 virus.
The latest local information can be found by visiting Belmont's COVID-19 Info Page or the BEMA COVID-19 Blog.
You can also find resources, guides, & information on the new federal Centers for Disease Control website: coronavirus.gov
At this time, BMC is still open to the public, live & recorded meetings and program production continues, and new classes are in the planning stages.
It is important to keep in mind that we welcome residents of all ages to visit Belmont Media Center TV to convene, create, share ideas, and use their first amendment rights. We urge all of our patrons to make the decision that is right for them and their families when planning to visit the station. While at our facility, guests and staff are to adhere to the following guidelines so as to promote a healthy and safe environment for everyone:
- If you are sick, please stay home. To ensure a healthy environment for all guests, you may be asked to leave Belmont Media Center if you are showing symptoms of an illness.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Use alcohol-based sanitizers or sanitizing wipes when handwashing is not available.
- Avoid touching your face, eyes or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Frequently clean common touchpoint surfaces, including but not limited to electronics, door knobs, and countertops. The Belmont Media Center staff will be wiping down all frequently used surfaces, including desks, door knobs, equipment, and keyboards at the end of each work day.
- Avoid sharing personal items.
- Distance yourself from someone who appears sick and keep your distance from others if you are sick. Visitors may also want to avoid working on group projects in close quarters.
- Practice proper cough etiquette. Cover your mouth or nose when coughing or sneezing with a tissue, throw the tissue away and wash or sanitize your hands. If a tissue isn’t available, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve.
Belmont Media Center is aware of recent cancellations made by the Town & School in response to concerns about the COVID-19 virus. We at BMC are doing what we can to aid in broadcasting essential meetings to those who are unable to attend in person.
Should BMC plan to modify our facility schedule, close to the public, or cancel any of our upcoming events, we will post notices to our website, our social media pages and we will send an email to our distribution list. In the meantime, a reminder to please keep yourself informed of evolving updates by visiting one of the websites above.
Jeffrey Hansell
Executive Director