Gifts of Hope Telethon 2018

Belmont Media Center and the Belmont Citizen-Herald will be hosting its annual Gifts of Hope Telethon to benefit the Belmont Food Pantry. Telethon will take place at the Belmont Media Center on 9 Lexington Street in Waverley Square on SUNDAY, December 2nd from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Please stop by and make a monetary or food donation or call in your donation at 617-484-2443. There will be live entertainment throughout the day and interviews with local guests. We’ll be providing snacks and beverages.
Want to get involved in TV production? We need volunteer camera operators, audio operators and technical directors to help us in this live production. There will be two volunteer shifts: 1st shift: 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM and 2nd shift: 1:30 – 3:30 PM. To sign up, please call 617-484-2443 or email Please indicate the shift you would like to work. Please sign up to be a part of this worthy cause! No prior experience is necessary. We will provide training.
Gifts of Hope Telethon will be LIVE on all three BMC channels: 8, 9, 96 (Comcast) and 28, 29, 30 (Verizon) and also streaming on the web:
Stay tuned!