Belmont News Blog

Take your own shot of life and enter it into Belmont's Community Photo Contest! All photos will be on display November 3rd - December 5th at the Gallery@BMC located at the Belmont Media Center at 9 Lexington Street in Waverley Square. The winning photos will be chosen by "Voters' Choice" Ballot...
DOCUMENTARY SCREENING Come to Belmont Media Center for a screening for the short documentary "A Special Barber" produced by local filmmaker Ian Scully. This is the story of Frank Guarino and his 50 plus years of cutting hair in Belmont. The screening will be held on Tuesday, September 30th, 6:00 -...
The Belmont Historical Society opens its fall season with an illustrated lecture on “Francis Cabot Lowell: The Man Who Launched America’s Industrial Revolution”. Presented by author Chaim M. Rosenberg. Watch it here:
Watch the Campaign Programming Blocking airing on BMC's channels from now until November 2, 2014. This programming block consists of interviews with candidates running for state-wide office positions, produced by Access Framingham. Also included are interviews with candidates at Meet Belmont. The...
Boston Hip Hop artist Juma Inniss wants to talk with you about the media you watch, listen to, and create. We are looking for high school students between 14 - 18 years old to participate in a one-hour focus group. Students will meet at Belmont Media Center on Wednesday, October 1st at 2:00pm for a...
Science for the Public Presents: The Y Chromosome: Its Evolution, Survival and Medical Implications David Page, M.D. Director, Whitehead Institute Professor of Biology, MIT Investigator, HHMI Medical Institute David Page, M.D. decoded the male chromosome and established its evolutionary history,...
Next up on The Rogers Report: Belmont Public Schools Superintendent John P. Phelan Tune in to the next episode of the The Rogers Report, with State Representative Dave Rogers when he welcomes new Belmont School Superintendent John Phelan to the set. Watch The Rogers Report on BMC Ch 8 & 28:...
2 Camera Operators needed for Varsity Soccer Boys vs Melrose tomorrow (9/9/14) on Harris Field at 3:45 PM. Crew Call at 3:30. Call 617-484-2443 or email and volunteer now. Get your BHS community hours and support your team!
The buffering issue with the Behringer x32 tutorial videos has been fixed. Thank you to those who pointed it out to me. Check them out here .
