Belmont News Blog

Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations Tuesday, April 15 at 6:30pm Belmont Media Center , 9 Lexington St, Belmont MA This event was scheduled for Jan. 21, but was cancelled due to snowstorm. Arjun Dey, PhD , Astronomer, National Optical Astronomy Observatory , Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Dey is a...
Event Date: 
Tue, 04/15/2014 - 2:30pm to 4:00pm
On Wednesday, April 23rd at 6:30pm, Geoffrey Brahmer will continue his holocaust lecture series with a presentation entitled The Diary of Herman Kruk: A Librarian in the Vilna Ghetto. Prior to being murdered in the holocaust, Herman Kruk, a socialist librarian, was asked by fellow prisoners, “ Why...
Volunteer cameraperson needed to shoot "A First-Hand Report on Venezuela" by Rev. Mike Clark, co-pastor of the Belmont-Watertown United Methodist Church, at the Belmont Public Library on Sunday, April 6 at 2:30 pm. Mike has traveled on fact-finding missions to Venezuela seven times since 2004 and...
BMC would like to thank all the volunteers and staff who worked on last night's election coverage show. Thank you to the panelists: Jeff Hansell, Ann Reynolds, Paul Roberts and Tomi Olson. Thank you to the crew: Adam Dusenberry, Mike Gleba, Ken Gustin, Jeremy Meserve, Julie DeStefano and EJ Johnson...
Photo by Joanna Tzouvelis Tune in to BMC Ch. 8 on Comcast & Ch 28 on Verizon at 8pm tonight for Live TV Coverage of the 2014 Town Election results from Studio A at BMC. Host Jeff Hansell will be joined by a variety of local commentators and activists from all sides of the issues and candidates...
Due to a change in meeting location, tonight's Board of Selectmen meeting will not air live. It will be posted online and will be cablecast on channels 8 and 28 later this week during the following dates and times: Wednesday at 11:00am Thursday at 2:30pm Friday at 10:30pm Also tune in tomorrow...
THANK YOU BMC would like to thank all those who volunteered for the League of Women Voters Candidates’ Night and the March 27th Belmont Debates. Thank you to Andre Brown, Ottavio Forte, Ken Gustin, Paul Carey, Jeremy Meserve, Julie DeStefano, EJ Johnson, Adam Dusenberry, Patty Mihelich and Jeff...
Hey friends, Here are a couple of good Twitter feeds to follow if you do that sort of thing > > Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency MEMA is a good feed to track weather, public health and safety situations as they occur. Be prepared. Unlike other Twitter feeds, MEMA usually tweets only...
Crew Call! Volunteer now for the Belmont Rugby Club vs Kearsarge at Harris Field next friday 3/28. Camera Operators Needed! Game starts at 6:30pm, crew call at 6pm. These Belmont athletes are the defending state champions and this will be the first game of the season. Call Jeremy at 617-484-2443...
Today the Belmont Community Moving Image Archive (BCMIA) reached 400 programs digitized so far. Arim Resnick, our archives assistant, has migrated the lion's share of these programs from VHS tape to DVD, in other words, from analog to digital. Congratulations, Arim! What a milestone!
