Belmont voters will decide if Town Treasurer is to be elected or appointed
At a Special Town Meeting on Jan. 30th, Town Meeting members voted in favor of putting the question on the annual town election ballot April 4th, on whether or not the Town Treasurer/Tax Collector should be an elected position or appointed.
Floyd Carman is retiring at the end of his current term in April. He has served 18 years as Belmont's Town Treasurer and Tax Collector.
Town Meeting members debated for nearly two hours on Jan. 30th with nearly 100 members sharing there views both for and against making the position appointed.
The final unofficial results were 195 in favor of putting the question on the ballot, 51 against and 1 abstention. A majority vote was required for it to pass. If it didn't pass, then the Town Treasurer would remain an elected position.
The future of the Town Treasurer position is now in the hands of Belmont's voters.