Belmont Police Log, Oct. 13-18: Experion scam, lost passport and jewelry

The following are excerpts from the Belmont Police log as made available by the Belmont Police Department. The log is public and available for review. All persons are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law.
Friday, Oct. 13
3:51 p.m.: A Waverley Terrace resident reported attempted fraud. He received a call from someone claiming to work for Experion. He said his name was Oliver Black. He told him his credit cards were being used for fraudulent activity and being charged. He recited all his credit card information, including security codes and credit card numbers. He called his credit card companies who informed him no fraudulent activity was detected. They froze his accounts and issued him new cards.
Saturday, Oct. 14
3:01 p.m.: A Creeley Road resident reported fraud. On Oct. 13th at 8 p.m., he noticed two hard inquiries into his credit and discovered someone was trying to take out two auto loans in his name through Bank of America and Discovery Bank. He contacted both banks to inform them the loans were fraudulent. He did not notice any other suspicious activity on his accounts and will continue to monitor.
Tuesday, Oct. 17
6:13 p.m.: An Upland Road resident reported fraud. She received a phone call at 5:20 p.m. from a woman claiming to work for Bank of America legal department. She does not use Bank of America. The woman on the phone identified herself as Omarah Stewart with a phone number of 202-539-0208 ext. 201. She said two bank accounts were opened in her name in Texas and Ohio. These bank accounts were used to send $70,000 to Mexico for drug-related activities. She knew her full name and date of birth, which concerned her. She was transferred to another woman who said her name was Olivia Marie and claimed to be with the U.S. Treasury. She told the resident not to tell anyone about the activities and they would help her resolve the matter. She then realized this was most likely a scam and hung up the phone. She was advised to monitor accounts and report any other suspicious activity.
Wednesday, Oct. 18
7:18 p.m.: A Winthrop road resident reported lost property. She lost her US Passport. She last saw it on July 18th. She didn’t notice it was missing until Oct. 9th and has not been able to locate it. Several items of jewelry are also missing from her home, including bracelets, a pendant, and two rings totaling a little over $5,000. She is not sure if some of the missing jewelry is at her other residence in Maine. A friend has keys but she does not believe they have taken anything.
Between Oct. 13 and Oct. 18, Belmont Police responded to one mental health and three domestic calls.