Belmont Police Log, March 19-26: Delivery driver assaulted by unknown man on Trapelo Road

The following are excerpts from the Belmont Police log as made available by the Belmont Police Department. The log is public and available for review. All persons are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law.
Tuesday, March 19
11:43 a.m.: Collision on Hammond Road between a 2011 Jeep operated by a Belmont man and a 2019 Honda operated by a Belmont woman. The operator of the Honda was issued a citation for failure to yield.
12:55 p.m.: A Pinehurst Road resident reported identity fraud. The Small Business Administration contacted her about a loan made out in her name that was granted during COVID using her name and social security number. She did not apply for a loan. They would not give her any additional information until she filed a police report.
3:52 p.m.: Suspicious activity reported on Sycamore Street. She witnessed a man on a moped pull up to the USPS green mailbox, open it with a key, look inside, close the mailbox and then drive away.
Thursday, March 21
2:55 p.m.: Patou restaurant on Leonard Street reported five bottles missing from a delivery of alcohol made to the back of the store. Each bottle was valued at $5.
6:59 p.m.: Assault of a delivery driver outside Trapelo Road at Beech Street was reported by a third party. The delivery driver was seen crossing the street when an older man in a Chevrolet SUV made a gesture at the delivery driver. The delivery driver gave the middle finger to the person in the car who got out and chased him down. The witness said the man attempted to punch the driver in the face and is unsure if contact was made. The driver later told officers the other person struck him in the face before leaving. The assailant has not yet been identified.
Friday, March 22
3:17 p.m.: Collision on Lexington Street between a 2024 Hyundai operated by a Florida woman and a 2017 BMW operated by a Watertown man. A fire truck was passing through the intersection when the Florida woman slammed on her breaks, causing the Watertown man to rear-end the Hyundai.
6:45 p.m.: Suspicious activity at Royal Belmont on Acorn Park Drive. Someone intending to sell a sweater on Ebay was tricked into buying a $300 Apple gift card and send the serial number to the buyer. The seller realized it was a scam but is out the money.
Sunday, March 24
6:34 a.m.: Larceny by check reported by a Maple Street resident. He noticed a check made out for $100, payable to an individual who has been in his house previously named, “Joe.” He has borrowed money from him in the past but he did not give Joe this particular check. He is also reporting the check theft to Citizens Bank.
9:01 a.m.: Collision on Concord Avenue involving a 2012 GMC operated by a Belmont woman. She was making a U-turn in front of the Mobile station when she hit the center median and struck down the “single lane” sign.
10:23 a.m.: A Common Street resident reported suspicious activity. She was looking at video footage from her doorbell and noticed at 5:40 a.m., a young woman in her 20s was attempting to open the front door and then began to walk away. It appears there was a man walking in the woman’s direction. She posted the video on Facebook and someone pointed out to her that the woman is someone who frequently exercises there in the morning and wonders if she was trying to avoid the man walking in her direction. The woman has not been identified.
3:08 p.m.: The fire station, 99 Leonard St., reported one of the automatic doors came down and struck the top of a ladder truck, causing minor scratches and moderate damage to the automatic door, which will be repaired.
Monday, March 25
9:09 a.m.: A Creeley Road resident reported possible fraud. She had two savings bank accounts opened in her name through Goldman Sachs. She did not open either of them. One account had $1 in it and the other had $0 in it. There is no further information at this time.
1:40 p.m.: Collision in front of the post office on Concord Avenue between a 2013 Subaru operated by a Belmont woman and a 2020 Nissan operated by a Belmont woman. The Subaru was backing into a parking spot on Concord Avenue. The Nissan passed her on the left, which is when the two cars collided. Each vehicle suffered minor damage and there were no citations.
Tuesday, March 26
5:48 a.m.: Collision on Church Street between a 2006 Pontiac operated by a Boston man and a 2018 Jeep operated by a Watertown woman. The Jeep was attempting to make a U-turn. When it was pulling to the right to make a U-turn to the left, without a signal, the Pontiac passed the Jeep, assuming it was parking, when the two cars collided. The operator for the Jeep was issued a citation for marked lane violation.
Belmont Police responded to five domestics, no arrests, and six mental health incidents between March 19 and March 25.