Belmont Police Log, July 10-17: Three collisions with bicyclists, two with pedestrians and one with motorcyclist

The following are excerpts from the Belmont Police log as made available by the Belmont Police Department. The log is public and available for review. All persons are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law.
Wednesday, July 10
10:30 a.m.: Collision in area of 226 Trapelo Road between a 2017 Honda operated by a Belmont woman and a 2014 Mini Coop operated by a Belmont man. The operator of the Honda said she was struck while traveling on Trapelo Road by the Mini Coop as it was pulling out of a parking space. The operator of the Mini was issued a citation for failure to yield.
11:54 a.m.: Collision in area of Pleasant Street and Snake Hill Road between a 2019 Nissan operated by a Needham man and a Belmont man on foot. The pedestrian’s left arm had several open wounds and a possible fracture. Belmont Fire and Rescue also responded. The operator of the Nissan was traveling on Pleasant Street and saw the pedestrian suddenly appear in the roadway. He hit the pedestrian with his driver’s side mirror and immediately stopped. A witness on the sidewalk on Pleasant Street said the pedestrian waved to him as he was crossing, which is when he was struck by the vehicle.
1:36 p.m.: A Marsh Street resident reported a package stolen. He recently learned of a package that was delivered on July 5 that was missing. FedEx sent him a notification that it was delivered. The neighbor picking up his male said they could not find the package the day it was delivered. The package contained a pull-up bar. It was sent in a larger-shaped thin box and believes someone may have thought it was a television.
Thursday, July 11
8:26 a.m.: Collision in area of 11 Lexington St. between a 2014 Ford operated by a Watertown woman who was riding an electric scooter. The pedestrian was down when officers arrived. Belmont Fire and Rescue also responded. The operator of the Ford said she had a green light and was merging onto Lexington St. She believes she was going 20 miles per hour when the scooter veered left, striking her vehicle. A witness observed the scooter swerve into the car. The operator of the scooter was transported to Mount Auburn Hospital by Belmont Fire and Rescue. The Ford has scratches on its front right side.
Friday, July 12
8:14 a.m.: Collision between a 2020 GMC operated by a Sudbury man and a Watertown male bicyclist in the area of Belmont and School Streets. The operator of the GMC said the bicyclist came out of nowhere, striking his right front passenger door. He immediately pulled over to check on the cyclist. The cyclist said the GMC made a right turn in front of him on School Street. He sustained cuts on his right hand and elbow. Watertown Fire and Rescue assisted. The cyclist delined further medical attention. The operator of the GMC was issued a citation for failure to yield to an oncoming bicycle.
12:25 p.m.: Collision in area of Belmont Street and White Street between a 2023 Nissan operated by a Watertown woman and a Boston male bicyclist. The bicyclist said his handlebar grazed the right rear fender of the Nissan. He braced himself above the gas tank to prevent himself from falling to the ground. The operator of the Nissan was unaware she made contact with the cyclist. She did not know why he was banging on her car. He said he was trying to get her attention.
5:31 p.m.: A Channing Road resident reported fraud. At 3:30 p.m., he received a phone call from someone who said they worked for Bank of America. They asked him if he opened an account, which he denied. He said he was transferred to someone he thought was Experion employee named Fin Allen. He was asked to confirm that last four digits of his Discover card and also asked for the three-digit security code and expiration date. He then realized it was a scam and hung up. He called Experion who confirmed it was not them he was speaking to. He contacted Discover to inform them of the situation. His card was cancelled.
Saturday, July 13
9:45 a.m.: Collision during rainstorm in area of Common Street and Trapelo Road between a 2020 Toyota operated by a Brighton man and a 2014 Nissan operated by a Watertown woman. The operator of the Toyota said the other vehicle ran the red light. His vehicle heavy front-end damage and a cut on his chin. The operator of the Nissan was not able to communicate what happened due to a language barrier. The Nissan was on top of the sidewalk and heavy rear left passenger door damage and heavy left rear axle, wheel well and tire damage. Officers looked at video footage from security cameras nearby and observed the Nissan went through a red light on common Street to Trapelo Road, causing the crash. The operator of the Nissan was issued a citation for failure to stop.
10:15 p.m.: Officers filed a criminal complaint against a Watertown man for leaving the scene of an accident with property damage, marked lanes violation and improper turn.
Sunday, July 14
1:52 a.m.: Criminal complaint filed against a Boston man for assault and battery.
10:44 a.m.: Collision in area of 174 Belmont St. between a 2017 Chevy operated by a Watertown woman and a 2024 Subaru operated by a Somerville woman. A Chevy was legally parked on the street had damage on one side and its front tire was bent out. The Subaru had damage to its passenger side, the majority on the bumper. The operator of the Subaru said her purse fell down and she was attempting to reach for it, which is when she struck the parked vehicle. She was uninjured. Both vehicles were towed from the scene.
Monday, July 15
8:33 a.m.: A Hurd Road resident reported unemployment fraud. She recently returned from vacation. Her employer informed her a claim was made by someone for unemployment on July 2. In early June she also got notices that someone was trying to open credit cards using her personal information. He has placed an alert on her accounts through a credit agency and will inform her banks of the incident.
4:26 p.m.: An Acorn Drive resident reported a stolen package. He had a Fabletics package containing miscellaneous clothing worth $380 delivered by the post office on July 12 at 12:25 p.m. Later in the day, at approximately 7 p.m., he went to retrieve the package from the mail room but it was nowhere to be found. The building manager said only corporate has access to the security footage. He is going to use the police report to assist him in getting the security footage so he can track down his missing package.
Tuesday, July 16
6:46 a.m.: Collision on Trapelo Road by White Street between a 2018 Ford operated by a Lowell woman and a Cambridge female bicyclist. The cyclist was down on the sidewalk and was being treated by a nurse who stopped to help. The operator of the Ford said prior to the accident, she observed a bicycle on the roadway near Wheelworks, about 50 feet from the intersection with White Street. She was about to turn onto White Street when she cut into the pathway of the cyclist The operator of the Ford heard the collision as the cyclist struck the passenger side mirror and fell to the ground. She pulled over and attempted to help. The cyclist complained of right shoulder and neck pain. The operator of the Ford cut in front of the bicyclist’s lane and was issued a citation for failure to yield. The cyclist was transported to Mount Auburn Hospital by Belmont Fire and Rescue.
1:43 p.m.: A Pine Street resident reported fraud. On June 26, she received a pop-up message on her computer saying it was infected with a virus and to call a number to rectify the issue. She showed the pop-up to her husband. They were suspicious and chose not to call. She googled Microsoft tech support and called the number she found online. She spoke to someone she believed was from Microsoft and was transferred to an IT specialist form a company out of Washington State, called Teckies Data Solutions. They instructed her to download two programs, DW Agent and Ultra Viewer to allow the IT person to gain remote access to her computer. They told her they could fix it for $250 and for an additional $49.99 she would have unlimited protection for one year. She agreed to this and the person cleared the pop-up from her computer. When she said she could not pay through PayPal, they said she needed to provide the account number and routing number for a check. She refused, and then they instructed her to mail the check, providing them with a tracking number. One week later, she received a call from a woman who said she worked for Heritage Bank in Washington, asking her if she wrote a check for Teckies Data Solutions and informed her it was a scam. The bank was able to stop payment of the check and informed her to file a police report. She said she already changed her bank account number and will take her computer to Best Buy Geek Squad to wipe it clean. She was also advised to contact one of the three credit agencies to place an alert on her accounts. Never trust a pop-up. She has not lost any money at this time.
5:12 p.m.: Collision in area of Trapelo Road and Moraine Street between a 2023 Honda motorcycle operated by a Watertown man and a 2017 Toyota operated by a Hyde Park woman. The motorcyclist was uninjured. The Toyota went down Moraine Street. Officers were able to locate it. The motorcyclist said a van stopped on his left and he was traveling through the intersection with a green light. He wasn’t able to stop in time when the Toyota passed in front of him. The Toyota did not stop. The motorcycle had damage to its front wheel and was towed from the scene. The operator of the Toyota said a van waved her on. She did not know she hit the biker. There was minor damage to the rear passenger door of the van.
6:57 p.m.: A 13-year-old Pleasant Street resident and his father reported a stolen bicycle. He arrived at the Underwood Pool at 4:15 p.m. and left his black Specialized mountain bike on the rack on Cottage Street. When he left his bicycle, valued at $1,500 was no longer there.
Wednesday, July 17
12:26 p.m.: A Beech Street resident reported identity fraud. She recently received two debit cards in the mail she did not apply for. A similar incident occurred when she resided in Somerville in 2018. One card was a Visa Porte card and a cash app card. The credit cards have been cancelled. She contacted Experion and there was no unusual activity. She checked all her bank accounts and there was no unusual activity. She was advised to inform her banks of the incident.
Between July 10 and July 16, Belmont residents reported seven mental health calls and two domestics.