Belmont Police Log, Jan. 11-15: Motor vehicle break-ins, possible gun threat

The following are excerpts from the Belmont Police log as made available by the Belmont Police Department. The log is public and available for review. All persons are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law.
Saturday, Jan. 11
8:56 a.m.: A Belmont resident reported receiving threatening texts from an unknown number he believes is his ex-girlfriend. His sister is also being harassed by her. The family was advised to contact the police if this person continues to contact them.
6:20 p.m.: An uninsured and unregistered motor vehicle belonging to a Watertown resident was towed from Thayer Road and a citation was issued to the owner for uninsured and unregistered motor vehicle.
6:23 p.m.: A Belmont resident reported she was a victim of a hit and run at the intersection of Beech and White Streets. When she was driving through the intersection, a vehicle failed to stop at the stop sign and made contact with the front passenger side of her vehicle and did not stop after the accident. She described it as a red sedan, possibly a Toyota, but had no other identifying characteristics. There was damage to the front passenger side bumper and quarter panel of her 2011 Subaru Outback.
Sunday, Jan. 12
1:44 p.m.: A Belmont resident reported his vehicle had a flat driver’s side rear tire the morning of Dec. 19. When he brought it to the garage to be looked at, they pulled out the tip of a knife from his tire. He said he has been getting some backlash from some neighbors over his driveway being redone. The town got involved and he believed things were settled. He is unsure who could have done it. He will be setting up a camera in his yard.
Monday, Jan. 13
9:46 a.m.: Belmont Hill School Security reported property damage. A light pole on school property was knocked on Sunday at approximately 12:23 a.m. The entire incident is captured on the security video. It shows the vehicle strike the light pole and then driving on playing fields causing damage to both the eighth-grade baseball and varsity soccer fields The vehicle had a Wisconsin registration. However, no matching record was found. The school does not wish to pursue charges. The cost to replace the light pole is $2,000.
Tuesday, Jan. 14
5:58 a.m.: A Dalton Road resident reported finding two males sleeping in his vehicle. One male had cuts on his face. They both were walking down Richardson Road. The males could not be located by the Belmont Police. The resident said he found the males sleeping in his car. They were in their 20s or 30s. one was white with cuts to his face and a bloody. nose, wearing a red jacket and a hoodie. The other male was black, wearing a hoodie. He confronted them and told them to get out of his car. He said they were non-aggressive and asked him to just let them go. He followed them as they walked down Dalton Road towards Washington Street. He called the Belmont Police on the non-emergency number when he reached the intersection of Dalton Road and Washington Street. There was a large amount of blood on the driver's side floor near the door with an opened medical kit that did not belong to him. Other items left in his vehicle were a lighter and disposable contact lens. There was also loose tobacco on the front seats. He did not believe any items were taken, however, a bottle of bourbon that was in his car was consumed. There were two hypodermic needles found on the ground behind the vehicle. Footage from a door camera on Dalton Road will be investigated.
8:45 a.m.: A Belmont Police officer was dispatched to the tot lot garden area at the Burbank Elementary School where several parents were standing and pointing to a large amount of blood. Upon closer inspection, there was what appeared to be pieces of flesh and tissue as well as bone fragments. There were hypodermic needles, a plastic bottle covered in blood and items of trash. Lying on the ground next to the bin was a blood-soaked shirt with a hunting style knife sticking out of it. There was also blood on the blade of the knife. Detectives were radioed to respond and arrived on the scene. A search was conducted on the grounds for an injured person. The principal said she would keep the chidlren inside the building. The School Resource Officer was also updated on the incident. The Dalton Road resident who reported finding two males in his vehicle at 5:58 a.m. was advised that his car is now being considered a possible crime scene due to the items found at Burbank. This incident is under investigation.
11:10 a.m.: A Belmont resident reported a blue or black Toyota Camry on Trapelo Road where the occupant possibly pulled out a firearm. She was driving on Pleasant Street behind the vehicle when it suddenly stopped short. She slammed on her brakes and hit her horn. After that, the male driver wearing a hoodie turned around to the right in his seat to face her and lifted his arm, pointing what she thought was a black gun at her. She ducked her head down and when she lifted it back up the vehicle was driving up Trapelo Road. She believes there was a person in the passenger seat.
3:53 p.m.: A Belmont resident reported her food stamps were stolen. She attempted to make a purchase at Market Basket in Burlington at noon and the transaction was declined. She contacted the Massachusetts office and was informed here balance of $292.90 was withdrawn to make a purchase in Philadelphia at Harrison Baji Deli at approximately 10:40 a.m. She informed the office it was not her who made the purchase and reported the transaction as fraudulent. When she checked her deposit history, $292 was deposited into her account on Jan. 10, which she said was odd because her funds were always deposited on the 14th of every month. She was advised to monitor her other financial institutions and personal information.
Wednesday, Jan. 15
10:25 a.m.: A Prince Street resident reported a motor vehicle break-in. The resident said his vehicle was parked in his driveway last night with the doors unlocked. When his daughter came out of the house this morning, she found a pair of his glasses in the driveway next to the front passenger door. His glove box was open. He did not believe any items were missing. His daughter said her glove box was also open. Her vehicle was unlocked. She does not believe anything was missing. A neighbor across the street with a visible doorbell camera said it doesn’t always work, but he will provide video footage from the incident if any was captured.
4:46 p.m.: A Watson Road resident reported her motor vehicle broken into. It was parked in her driveway since Jan. 10. Contents inside the vehicle were in disarray and several items were missing, including a pair of gloves, a half drank water bottle, a small pack of tissues and her husband’s prescription medication. Her vehicle was unlocked. She was advised to lock her vehicle and home.
Belmont Police responded to two mental health and two domestic calls between Jan. 11 and Jan. 17.