Belmont Journal: Jan. 5th show

Happy New Year! Belmont Journal is Belmont Media Center's new, weekly hyper-local news program. If you haven't tuned in yet, be sure to take the time to watch and learn everything you need to know about all the important happenings in town in less than 30 minutes. The Jan. 5th show, hosted by Belmont resident Michael Crowley, includes reports from Franklin Tucker of "The Belmontonian," about commercial developments coming before the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals and all the latest high school sports news. Joanna Tzouvelis of "Wicked Local Belmont" and "The Belmont Citizen-Herald," fills everyone in on important upcoming meetings related to the high school building project, the Selectmen's important decision to make on retail marijuana sales in Belmont, the applications seeking community preservation funds including an intergenerational walking path at Grove Street Park with a price tag of $780,000 and a report about the recent snowstorm which brought 15 inches of snow to Belmont and closed the schools for two days. Plus, Jane Peters' Community Calendar tells you about all the important upcoming events around town. Don't miss it. Be sure to tune in Fridays @ 10pm, Sundays @ 5:30pm, Wednesdays @ 9:30pm, Thursdays @ 9pm on BMC Ch. 9 on Comcast & Ch. 29 on Verizon & OnDemand 24/7