Belmont Journal: Jan. 19th Show

This week's Belmont Journal includes reports from both Franklin Tucker of the Belmontonian and Joanna Tzouvelis of Wicked Local Belmont on the high school project. Franklin talks about the estimated debt exclusion for the new high school and how it will affect Belmont's property taxes. Joanna talked about the measures that a traffic expert for the high school project recommends putting in place to help improve pedestrian and bicycle safey and reduce delays from queues. Also, you'll learn about a new art studio in town opened by Anastasia Semash of Arlington, offering private classes for all ages. And students representing Black in Belmont speak at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. breakfast about their experiences as black students at a mostly caucasian high school.Be sure to tune in Fridays @ 10pm, Sundays @ 5:30pm, Wednesdays @ 9:30pm, Thursdays @ 9pm on BMC Ch. 9 on Comcast & Ch. 29 on Verizon & On Demand 24/7 at