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Catch a sneak peek of a new film about the 1853 William Flagg Homer House and learn the latest on The Bradford project in Cushing Square, What's the best affordable housing plan for Belmont? Do you know about the town-wide traffic study which will monitor drivers cutting through the town using GPS...
Be sure to tune in to Belmont Journal's Feb. 9th show featuring all the latest news you need to know about Belmont in under 30 minutes.Firefighters explain how to administer Narcan if a loved one is overdosing on heroin. Belmont Public Library Director Peter Struzziero talks about the efforts to...
For all your hyper-local news in less than 30 minutes, be sure to tune in on Fridays @ 10pm , Sundays @ 5:30pm , Wednesdays @ 9:30pm , Thursdays @ 9pm on BMC Ch. 9 on Comcast & Ch. 29 on Verizon & On Demand 24/7 . This week's show includes an interview with retiring...