School Committee - 2/12/13
2/12/13 - School Committee meeting in Belmont, MA.
02/13/2013 - 5:14pm
Blip Channel:
Belmont Media Center - Government Access TV
2/12/13 - School Committee meeting in Belmont, MA.
2/11/13 - Joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen and School Committee in Belmont, MA.
2/11/13 - Joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen and School Committee in Belmont, MA.
2/8/13 - Time Lapse of Blizzard 2013. Roughly from 11am -7pm. As seen in Waverly Square, Belmont MA from BMC Studios.
2/6/13 - Live political talk show with State Senator Will Brownsberger.
2/5/13 - BHS Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Winchester Sachems
2/5/13 - School Committee meeting in Belmont, MA.
2/1/13 - BHS Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Arlington Spy Ponders
1/30/13 -- Girls Basketball vs. Worcester North HS Polar Bears
1/30/13 - Warrant Committee meeting in Belmont, MA.