Sustainable Belmont - The Rediscovery of America
3/6/13 - Bob Massie, President of The New Economics Institute talks building a nation-wide grass roots movement for a just and sustainable economy.
3/6/13 - Bob Massie, President of The New Economics Institute talks building a nation-wide grass roots movement for a just and sustainable economy.
Joanna Tzouvelis interviews the Friends of Joey's Park about the planned re-construction of the playground built in honor of Joey O'Donnell who passed away in the fall of 1986 after a long battle with cystic fibrosis. Filmed in Studio B at the Belmont Media Center, 2/28/2013.
3/18/13 - Time Out For Sports Talk
Joanna Tzouvelis interviews Chris Starr, Managing Partner at Smith Legacy Partners about the proposed Cushing Square development project. Filmed in Studio B at the Belmont Media Center on 3/14/2013.
Joanna Tzouvelis interviews Mike Smith of the Belmont Historic District Commission. Filmed in Studio B at the Belmont Media Center on 2/14/2013. Produced by Joanna Tsouvelis.
3/18/13 - Board of Selectmen meeting in Belmont, MA.
3/13/13 - Warrant Committee meeting in Belmont, MA.
3/12/13 - Part 1 of the Planning Board meeting in Belmont, MA.
3/12/13 - Part 2 of the Planning Board meeting in Belmont, MA.
3/11/13 - Candidates forum sponsored by Belmont League of Women Voters.