Democracy Now! 2014-08-27 Wednesday

Democracy Now! 2014-08-27 Wednesday

  • Headlines for August 27, 2014
  • "The Damage is Beyond Imagination in Gaza": Journalist Mohammed Omer on Ceasefire Deal & Rebuilding
  • NSA Creates Google-Like Search Engine to Help Other Agencies Access Collected Phone, Email Records
  • Is Ferguson Feeding on the Poor? City Disproportionately Stops, Charges and Fines People of Color

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08/27/2014 - 8:00am

Democracy Now! 2014-08-25 Monday

Democracy Now! 2014-08-25 Monday

  • Headlines for August 25, 2014
  • Blowback: Vijay Prashad on How Islamic State Grew Out of U.S Invasion of Iraq, Destruction of Nation
  • “I Can’t Breathe”: NYC March over Chokehold Death of Eric Garner Protests Police Violence Nationwide
  • Hip-Hop Voices Talib Kweli & Rosa Clemente in Ferguson, "Ground Zero" for Police Brutality Struggle

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08/25/2014 - 8:00am
With the complete repainting of Studio A this week, I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that there is NOT to be any use of any adhesive material of any kind, inluding Gaff Tape, on any of the studio walls or floor. Also nails and push pins and other hanging instruments are not to be used...

Democracy Now! 2014-08-20 Wednesday

Democracy Now! 2014-08-20 Wednesday

  • Headlines for August 20, 2014
  • Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas and Jail: Ferguson Police Crack Down on Journalists Covering Protests
  • "Not Acceptable in a Civilized Society": Pastor on Ferguson Police Targeting Traumatized Youth
  • "They Are All Michael Brown": State Senator Defends Protesters Seeking Justice in Police Shooting
  • Stop the Violence from Ferguson to Gaza: 90-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor Arrested in St. Louis
08/20/2014 - 8:00am

VIDEO: "We are All Michael Brown" — NYC Parents Whose Kids Were Killed by Police Rally for Justice

Thanks to Democracy Now! fellows Messiah Rhodes and Anna Özbek for producing this video.

Parents with children killed by police were among those who attended a rally in front of New York City police headquarters on Monday to demand justice in the murder of Michael Brown and similar cases.

"We're out here because they're killing innocent people in the street, in their homes, like they did to my son, Ramarley," said Frank Graham.

08/19/2014 - 5:06pm

Democracy Now! 2014-08-19 Tuesday

Democracy Now! 2014-08-19 Tuesday

  • Headlines for August 19, 2014
  • Pastor: In Ferguson Police Crackdown, I Need a Gas Mask More Than My Clerical Collar
  • Activist: For a New Generation, Ferguson Marks Historic Nonviolent Resistance to Police Repression
  • St. Louis Activist: Decades After 1968 Urban Uprisings, Key Economic & Race Issues Remain Unresolved
  • "Overpoliced & Underprotected": In Michael Brown Killing, Neglect of Black Communities Laid Bare
08/19/2014 - 8:00am


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