Democracy Now! 2015-08-24 Monday

Democracy Now! 2015-08-24 Monday

  • Headlines for August 24, 2015
  • We Need to Fix Our Democracy: Lawrence Lessig Weighs Presidential Run to Rid Money from Politics
  • Sarah Shourd, Hiker Jailed in Iran, Says Nuclear Deal Could Lead to Release of Detained Americans
  • "Opening the Box": After Being Jailed in Iran, Sarah Shourd Examines Solitary Confinement in U.S.
  • Facebook Accused of Censoring Hundreds of Prisoners by Purging Profile Pages Without Cause
08/24/2015 - 8:00am

Democracy Now! 2015-08-21 Friday

Democracy Now! 2015-08-21 Friday

  • Headlines for August 21, 2015
  • Greek PM Tsipras Resigns, Calls for New Election as Left Wing of Syriza Splits to Form New Party
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders: From Greece to Puerto Rico, the Financial Rules Are Rigged to Favor the 1%
  • Global Warming Worsens California Drought as July Becomes Hottest Month on Record
  • In Victory for Corporations, Court Rejects Rule on Labeling Goods Containing "Conflict Minerals"
  • In a Final Speech, Civil Rights Icon Julian Bond Declares: "We Must Practice Dissent"
08/21/2015 - 8:00am

On Vietnam & the Power of Protest: Watch One of Julian Bond's Final Speeches (Exclusive)

Watch civil rights leader Julian Bond speak at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on May 2, 2015, as part of the "Vietnam: Power of Protest" conference. Bond died on August 15 at the age of 75. Bond first gained prominence in 1960 when he organized a series of student sit-ins while attending Morehouse College. He went on to help found SNCC, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Julian Bond would go on to co-found the Southern Poverty Law Center. He served as the organization's first president from 1971 to 1979.

08/20/2015 - 11:44am

Democracy Now! 2015-08-20 Thursday

Democracy Now! 2015-08-20 Thursday

  • Headlines for August 20, 2015
  • "The Danger of a Failed Iran Deal": Could GOP Rejection of Nuke Pact Lead to War?
  • As Jimmy Carter Discusses Cancer Diagnosis, Former Aide Praises Him as Honest, Noble Man
  • Islamic Leaders Take on Climate Change, Criticizing "Relentless Pursuit of Economic Growth"
  • The Beat Up Squad: NY Prison Guards Accused of Brutally Killing Prisoner & Covering Up Death
  • After NY Prison Escape, Other Inmates Faced Beatings, Solitary Confinement, Threats of Waterboarding
08/20/2015 - 8:00am

Watch: Full Video of Hillary Clinton's Meeting with Black Lives Matter Activists

Earlier today, Democracy Now! interviewed Daunasia Yancey and Julius Jones of Black Lives Matter about their meeting with presidential candidate Hillary Clinton after a campaign stop in New Hampshire last week. We aired excerpts of the meeting on the program. Here is video of the full 16-minute interaction.

08/19/2015 - 12:47pm

Democracy Now! 2015-08-19 Wednesday

Democracy Now! 2015-08-19 Wednesday

  • Headlines for August 19, 2015
  • When Black Lives Matter Met Clinton: Activists Speak Out on Challenging Candidate over Crime Record
  • "Privileged Bloodlines": Is Trump's Stance Against Birthright Citizenship Setting Tone for GOP?
  • David Cay Johnston: 21 Questions for Trump on Kickbacks, Busting Unions, the Mob & Corporate Welfare

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08/19/2015 - 8:00am

Democracy Now! 2015-08-18 Tuesday

Democracy Now! 2015-08-18 Tuesday

  • Headlines for August 18, 2015
  • Obama Gives Shell Final Approval to Drill in Arctic Despite Protests & Pledge to Cut Emissions
  • Snowden Documents Reveal AT&T's "Extreme Willingness to Help" NSA Domestic Spy Program
  • Meet the Whistleblower Who Exposed the Secret Room AT&T Used to Help the NSA Spy on the Internet
  • As Chelsea Manning Speaks Out on Trans and Prison Issues, Authorities Threaten Her with Solitary
08/18/2015 - 8:00am


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