"'Tis the season for pulling papers if you want to run for town office in the upcoming town election on April 4 and it looks like there may be a race for the seat on the Belmont Board of Selectmen currently occupied by Sami Baghdady..." Read all about it on Belmont.Wickedlocal.com HERE
Get ready to ROCK the DOC ! BMC is rolling out a 14-week Documentary Film Intensive Course beginning on March 1st, 2017. If you've ever wanted to make a documentary about a story that impacts you, but have never known where to start or how to learn, this class will take you through every step of...
Event Date: 
Wed, 03/01/2017 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm
ATTENTION Belmont non-profit organizations, clubs, and town municipalities: If you have a cause, mission, or event that your group needs help promoting, Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are a great way to spread your message to the public. These short videos are simple, easy to create, and are...
Event Date: 
Fri, 02/17/2017 - 10:00am to 7:00pm

Waiting for SpaceX to deliver your ticket to Mars? Wait no longer and travel there via green screen! 

Learn some advanced capabilities of Studio A that can bring your production to the next level. If you currently produce a studio show, this class will inspire you to work in new elements, whether they be scienfitic diagrams, video excerpts, or photos that illustrate your show topic. This class will cover graphics, Chroma Key, and how PowerPoint can make inserting images into your show a breeze. 

Monday, February 27, 2017
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Interested in capturing local events for community access? Want to learn how to take your camera into the field and shoot documentary-style or news videos?  Shooting in the field gives you infinite possiblities and enormous creative control over your program. Film events in their entirety as they happen, or capture snippets and interivews for a snappy highlight video. Learn the technical aspects of our Sony NX-5 cameras, how to use microphones and other accessories, and the basics of shot composition.

Thursday, January 17, 2019
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

What footage is best for the story I am trying to tell? What is pacing? Want to know how editors make decisions like these and more? This class will feature a lecture from our editing instructor along with a Q&A session for members to get inside the mind of an industry professional.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Want to know the "ins" and "outs" of editing?

Learn how to use Adobe Premiere Pro to cut a basic sequence together. This introductory course will cover how to create new projects, import footage, organize and navigate the edit space, and the basics of editing. Students will learn how to create a timeline, add transitions to their video, add music to their project, and will have the opportunity to practice the skills learned in BMC's editing suites. This course is suggested for members with little to no editing experience.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Public Service Announcements (PSAs) can serve many purposes. They can promote a specific organization or event, can raise awareness about a cause or issue, or can distribute community information to the public quickly and efficiently. If you are involved with a Belmont non-profit, town municipality, or have a cause you are passionate about, this is a great class for you to learn how a PSA can benefit you. 

Friday, February 10, 2017
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM


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