Democracy Now! 2015-12-02 Wednesday

Democracy Now! 2015-12-02 Wednesday

  • Headlines for December 02, 2015
  • Is Oil & Gas the New Tobacco? Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement Reaches New Milestone
  • As U.S. Congress Lags, California Leads Push to Divest From Fossil Fuels Linked to Climate Change
  • India's "The Hindu" Newspaper Stops Printing for the First Time in 137 Years Due to Massive Floods
  • As NY State Probes Exxon, Oil Giant Targets the Journalists Who Exposed Climate Change Cover-Up
  • Bill McKibben Condemns Jailing of Ousted Maldives President, A Hero of Climate Movement
  • Bill McKibben: Climate Protest Movement, Not COP21, Key to Preventing “Uninhabitable World”
  • The Global Poor vs. the 10%: How Climate Inequality Hurts the Most Vulnerable and Least Responsible
  • Marshall Islands Poet to the U.N. Climate Summit: “Tell Them We Are Nothing Without Our Islands”

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